Tuesday 13 May 2014

First Post in two years? Holy Heck - Really?

Sorry folks, I've been neglectful. I have way too many online social platforms and just trying to figure out which one I find most useful. I've been hanging out a lot of my Facebook page which you can find under www.Facebook.com/JennySoepDrawingTheExperience plus my instagram and twitter, with a brief flirting on Tumblr and Pinterest. I also have my other blog - http://drawingsweden.wordpress.com/ which is decidedly more current and features my latest post of this year. (My website is even more neglected than my blogs and I live in the vain hope that I will start a course where I can design my own kick-ass website that encompasses all! )

Meanwhile, here's one of my most recent drawings, created on iPad of the Stockholm Syndrome Ensemble. #StockholmSyndromeEnsemble #UpkeepOfOnlineSocialMediaIsANightmare!

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